Ortega Fails in His Attempt to Appoint Valdrack Jaentschke as Head of SICA

Daniel Ortega’s regime failed in its attempt to appoint Valdrack Ludwing Jaentschke Whitaker as Secretary General of the Central American Integration System (SICA), a position that has been vacant since last November. With this nomination, Ortega aimed to align the region with the interests of the Russian-Chinese bloc.

Opponents from the Nicaraguan Democratic Coalition (CDN-Monteverde) criticized Jaentschke’s candidacy, stating that “he has been a spokesperson for years who has justified repressive policies and the violation of Nicaraguans’ human rights.”

“Jaentschke’s candidacy strays from the values on which SICA was founded and does not meet the standards the organization seeks to represent,” the opponents warned.

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